Women’s Welding Workshop – May

*** This is a four week course, starting on the 9th of May, finishing on the 30th of May. The course will run each Tuesday from 10am until 4pm. *** In an effort to encourage more women to tap into the absolute GOLD that is artistic expression, I’ve decided to follow my own truth, and [...]

By | March 27th, 2017|0 Comments

Intro to woodworking – Plywood

Two day intro to woodworking course. In this class you'll work with furniture maker, carpenter, and architect Mihajlo Elakovic to make a beautiful plywood box. You can find his work here http://www.timbermee.com/ Over the course you'll learn how to use basic hand tools, power tools and cutting machinery as well as finishing techniques. The workshop [...]

By | February 15th, 2017|0 Comments